The Pagan Origins of Halloween

Binah Torah – Beyond Belief

“Conformity is probably the main behavior which has served to weaken the power of the Besorah (“gospel”) in the lives of those who claim to believe and trust in Messiah. Sha’ul instructed The Roman Assembly that they should not be conformed to this world but rather allow the spirit of Messiah to transform them, by the renewing of their minds, so they could genuinely recognize the Torah of Eloheinu.

Should someone who says they have a relationship with Eloheinu be taking a dip into the pool of the shadow world? Taking part of a day of darkness is the last thing someone who says they believe in Messiah should be doing, in fact, if you do partake of this “evening of darkness” you do not fit the Scriptural definition of a true believer, you possess nothing more than mental assent.

One who truly trusts in Messiah has nothing to do with darkness: And this is the condemnation, that the Light has come into the world, AND MEN LOVED DARKNESS RATHER THAN THE LIGHT, because their deeds were evil. FOR EVERYONE WHO DOES EVIL HATES THE LIGHT, and does not come to the Light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who practices truth comes to the Light so that his works may be revealed, that they exist, having been worked in Eloheinu (Yochanan (John) 3:19-21).”
