America is a Constitutional Republic, Not a Democracy By Dan Smoot 1966

Rarely have I needed to watch a video more than 3 times. If you find education and mental stimulation to be entertaining, then grab the usual, and with sharp focus, watch this video.
The Dan Smoot Report, 1966: β€œA Constitutional Republic, Not a Democracy”
β€œThe ideal of a constitutional republic is individual liberty. In this century, great strides have been made toward the goal of subverting our republic, and transforming it into a democracy. The foremost tactic of the subverters is subversion of β€œlanguage” β€” by calling America a democracy, until people thoughtlessly accept the term, and use the term. Totalitarians have obscured the real meanings and principles of American government.”Dan Smoot

The Dan Smoot Report, 1966: β€œA Constitutional Republic, Not a Democracy” β€œThe ideal of a constitutional republic is individual liberty. In this century, great strides have been made toward the goal of subverting our republic, and transforming it into a democracy. The foremost tactic of the subverters is subversion of β€œlanguage” β€” by calling America a democracy, until people thoughtlessly accept the term, and use the term. Totalitarians have obscured the real meanings and principles of American government.” β€” Dan Smoot

Dan Smoot Report, 1963-66 BITCHUTE ODYSEE RUMBLE