The Pretrib Rapture Deception: A False Hope — Is the Pretrib rapture the blessed hope or a false hope? As times of uncertainty and unrest appear to be growing, there is renewed interest in biblical prophecy and eschatology.

Perhaps the most popular (and welcome) idea about last days events is that Jesus will remove His people before the great tribulation takes place on the earth. This is often referred to as “the blessed hope” but if it is wrong it is a false hope indeed. We will explore some of the arguments for and against the pretrib rapture to show why it is ultimately a deception.

I mention a “chart” around the 30 minute mark. It’s just a basic chart showing the clear parallels between Matt. 24 and 1 Thess. 4. I, unfortunately forgot to add it to the final video edit. My apologies. Here is a link to that chart:

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