Everything Is A Lie, Including This Video

We begin by covering fake news, and considering how the media can manipulate information. This includes half-truths and biased reporting. We address how the media is still a business, which is why we have seen the rise of clickbait articles trying to capture your attention.

However, we also consider how our own biases impacts how we interpret not just news, but all information. We consider how we all have psychological biases such as confirmation bias, that distort the news and information we hear.

Towards the end, we even start to question reality itself – and explore ideas like solipsism and The Mandela effect. Whilst some of these ideas are extreme, questioning information we hear (from all sides), can often be healthy. This video does not really mean you should never believe in anything, it simply means it’s healthy to seek out the other side of the argument, before rushing to conclusions. And of course, it’s also healthy to be aware of our own biases that our minds have. I hope you enjoy.

WATCH NEXT: Levels of Wealth Documentary – https://youtu.be/B8d4uqQjk6o