The Unseen Hand: Central Banking Exposed The Unseen Hand: Central Banking Exposed Central banking rests on the bedrock of money created at interest loaned into circulation for indebted governments for whom the money is created.Rense Videos ORIGINAL VIDEO SOURCE BITCHUTE ODYSEE RUMBLE YOUTUBE Finance Banking 8 views You may also like 47:08 Only 6 U.S. banks will be left by 2025 paving way for CBDC Banking,COVID19,Cryptocurrency 5:55 On The Eve of a Cashless Society Banking,Cryptocurrency 43:32 Is Twitter The Next FTX? (It Doesn’t Look Good) Banking,Cryptocurrency,Social Media 9:56 19 Industries The Blockchain Will Disrupt Blockchain 37:29 Global Elite’s “Great Reset” Agenda Banking,COVID19 13:21 Inflation: The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind Banking,Fiat,Inflation 1:26:33 Cryptopia: Bitcoin, Blockchains and the Future of the Internet Cryptocurrency 51:50 The Fall of Sam Bankman Fried and Rise of CBDC Banking,Cryptocurrency 47:07 Money as Debt (2009) — monetary systems Banking 31:23 How I Took The Red Pill And Realized Everything…Is a Lie Banking 123»Page 1 of 3